Noelle Russell
AI Leadership Institute
Weston, FL USA
Noelle Russell
AI Leadership Institute
Weston, FL USA
AI Leadership Institute
Weston, FL USA
AI Leadership Institute
Weston, FL USA
Noelle Russell is a multi-award-winning technologist and entrepreneur who specializes in empowering entrepreneurs with technology and influence. She has led teams at IBM, NPR, Microsoft, and Amazon, and is a consistent champion for public understanding of AI and tech fluency, Noelle Silver has launched and established several initiatives supporting women and underrepresented communities within AI and is the founder of AI Leadership Institute, where she is mentoring and coaching girls and young women to pursue a career in AI and emerging technology. She is a Partner Executive in AI at IBM and she is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to 10x their businesses through live, in person workshops. She was recently awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award for Artificial Intelligence as well as VentureBeat’s Women in AI Responsibility and Ethics award. She is an influencer in Voice and AI globally.